Last year, the Rural and Industrial Design and Building Association launched a campaign to promote the importance of CE Marking, not only as a reminder of the legal obligations but also as a pillar of compliance in the industry. For fabricated structural steelwork, CE Marking became mandatory on 1 July 2014 and even six years on, there is still not always an even playing field.
RIDBA’s campaign outlines four key reasons why CE Marking is valued by RIDBA members, and why clients can have confidence when choosing a RIDBA member:
Levelling the Playing Field
RIDBA wants to ensure all companies in the sector can compete on equal footing. Large or small, steel frame manufacturers must meet the same standard – EN 1090-1. Having the CE Mark also ensures unscrupulous traders cannot undercut on price nor sacrifice safety.
A Fully Compliant Industry
RIDBA is raising the bar across the industry, supporting new members to achieve the CE Mark, as well as supporting members through Brexit and through trade across the EU and the pending introduction of the UKCA mark early next year.
Client Peace of Mind
Clients, customers and specifiers can be confident that RIDBA frame manufacturers have all achieved the CE Mark, meet BS EN 1090 Parts 1 and 2, and design buildings to the latest design standards.
Consistent Enforcement
Trading Standards are now enforcing CE Marking across the UK. RIDBA’s Primary Authority Agreement with Dorset County Council Trading Standards ensures that enforcement of the CE Mark is consistent across the UK and provides a simple way for companies to report. Once a report is made, the agreement ensures that all cases of non-compliance of the Construction Products Regulation are investigated.
A criterion of RIDBA membership is that CE Marking must be achieved, to assure clients that members work to the highest and safest standards. In addition, RIDBA has also recently introduced a Provisional membership category, designed to help start-up companies achieve their CE certification before coming a full member.
To read more about RIDBA’s CE Marking campaign, visit where you can download our campaign flyer.
RIDBA Chairman, Neil Fox said:
“A huge issue that our members face is having to compete with companies who are not complying with the Construction Products Regulation and are cutting costs and safety measures by doing so. With this campaign, we work towards a more equal, safe and compliant industry for all, and will continue to strive for the highest standards by supporting and informing members with the changes to come.”
You can download the full press release here.